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Slavoj Žižek: How Political Correctness Actually Elected Donald Trump | Best '16 | Big Think
Slavoj Žižek: Political Correctness is a More Dangerous Form of Totalitarianism | Big Think
Slavoj Žižek on Political Correctness: Why “Tolerance” Is Patronizing | Big Think
Slavoj Zizek on Trump, Brexit and fake news
Slavoj Žižek on Political Correctness P1 (Oct, 2015)
Slavoj Žižek: Trump, Himmler, Putin and 'Atheist Christianity' | Žižek's plot to save the West
Slavoj Zizek on Trump and Brexit - BBC News
Slavoj Žižek Explains Why He Chose Trump (Jan. 2017)
Slavoj Žižek: Donald Trump is a Postmodernist
How Trump was elected Slavoj Žižek breaks down US elections
Slavoj Žižek would vote for Trump - Nov. 2016
Slavoj Žižek | Why Be Happy When You Could Be Interesting? | Big Think